Saturday, November 27, 2010

3D printed columns!

I received my Shapeways order and it is faaaantastic!  The mechanism works wonderfully, even in the smaller size, and the shape looks lovely in the white material.  I am so pleased!
 This is the larger column that I am most pleased with.
 I designed the curves of the cap to become finger holds for unscrewing the top.
Here is a view of the open object.  It works in eight lock and key mechanisms and the course surface of the material makes it hold shut very nicely.
This is a view of both sizes I got printed.  The larger one is a table piece and the smaller one has rods that insert into IV tubing to become a necklace.  I want to finish the surface of these pieces but I love how it looks now.  I'm thinking a spray lacquer might do the trick.  Below is a video of the mechanisms and how beautifully they worked out.  Enjoy!

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