Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Material Progress

I am now fairly comfortable with my Hype project. I have three version being made at Shapeways and I have sun-reactant paint on it's way to me right now. If all goes well I will have three fabulous rings. When I first approached this concept I knew it was more conceptual and meaning to portray a message, rather than being completely applicable to the average individual. I have since changed my mind. My original plan was to make a headband via Ponoko but when I learned that I had to submit my project to Shapeways I scaled it down significantly. I was upset at first but now I've concluded that it has increased the overall success of my project. The headband would have been used to portray a message to bystanders around the individual. It would have been eye-catching and provocative. My new design is more for individual use. It's still a stimulating ring but the scale and proximity to the user makes it more provocative and useful to said user, rather than the general community around them. I'm pleased with the results because this new design is a more realistic product and I know I will use it myself. If the prints look nice I will choose the most successful material and get a few more printed to give out to my friends that I know need them.